
Apr 21, 2008 14:24

After constantly cold, wintery weather for the last few weeks everything seems to have grabbed the opportunity to leap into spring the moment things turn warm. Leaves have appeared on trees and bushes in a matter of days. I saw my first butterfly yesterday morning, by the end of the afternoon I had seen five different species. It's very unusual, but then I guess most years it would have been spring for some time now. The last consistently fine weather we had was last April, which I think means that even though it looks to brighten up later in the week we can refer to April 2007 - April 2008 as The Year Of Constant Rain.

Of course, people see the terrible weather of the last 12 months and say things like "Global Warming? Global encoldenating more like!" That's why I prefer the term "Climate Change" - I doubt that the change will manifest itself as everywhere getting hotter, it's more likely that it will behave like swirling water in a water container with the climate at any given location becoming increasingly unstable and unpredictable. Maybe it will settle to some different equilibrium at some point, but quite possibly not in our lifetimes.

Still, nothing we can do about it eh? So lets enjoy the fact it's finally spring in Merrie Olde Englande!
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