"You sir, are the worst thing to happen to theater since ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER!"

Mar 20, 2009 09:05

Okay! The world has gone screwy in a major way.

Could someone explain this possible heart attack!?

Phantom of the Opera 2!? Seriously!? and a SEQUEL?! there aren't enough emoticons for how I feel about this. The Phantom was a great story, fabulous play, gorgeous score... everything you could want! It wrapped things up nicely, and left you with a few loose ends to bat around like a cat on crack.

And to base if off of the Phantom of Manhattan... a book that tons of phans don't read on principle of it either aggravates them or they downright hate it. I've never read it myself, but I havne't heard many positive thoughts about it. If anything, if his pockets needed the bulge, couldn't he have done a prequel? maybe to Susan Kay's work? That would be a fascinating story with interesting interpretations... not the Phantom and Christine meet up 10 years later, zomg she's got a son, and he's running attractions at Coney Island.

It's slated to open late 09, on three continents. Broadway, London, and a third Asian theater, possibly Shanghai or Tokyo. Kudos for being able to coordinate three simultaneous shows, but I'm still a little terrified of what's going to happen.

Someone please tell me I'm not the last to hear about this, and that I'm not totally going off my rocker to think this could be a Very Bad Thing?


More crack than a plumber!

Baby mama drama, a drunken fop and a Christine Love Doll... This is "The Phantom Meets Jerry Springer!"
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