App for UG@

Dec 25, 2011 15:23

Player Name: Ash Blaze
Personal LJ: ashs_stash
AIM Contact: HyprKnux1
Character Name: Roux Louka
Source Canon: Mobile Suit ZZ Gundam
Community Tag: roux louka

Notes: 1) Apparently, Roux's first unit (well, unit she's seen piloting) is the Double Zeta itself (okay, the Neo Core Fighter). However, since we don't even have the Zeta at this point, I went with the original/SRW-used Gundam Mk-III instead.

2) Apparently, there are three Mk-IIIs: the one used in SRWs (MSF-007), and two units once said to be Titans-designed before being retconned into being Anaheim-made and AEUG-given: the RX-166 "Eagley" and the RX-272-2 "Halpuley". For the sake of completion (and the possibility of using all three for the sake of having all three, here are the other two unit's information:

3) Because of how we're doing things, I just tossed up the mission things for Roux so we'd have something. I'm cool with introing Roux whenever you guys want her to show up.


Personality: As the oldest of the so-called "Gundam Team", Roux Louka is probably the "mother" of the group. Or at the very least, the only other person other than Bright Noa who can keep the teens in check. While she tends to seem nice towards the younger pilots, she gives off an air of patronizing, leading to a number of headbutting moments between teammates. Due to her being a soldier, a pilot and an adult, she can easily dismiss her younger pilots as just childish, especially in their actions. However, Roux herself isn't immune to these sorts of antics and she'll gladly trade quips with others.

As a soldier, Roux seems to be a very capable woman, easily handling even the toughest situations. Many of Roux's fights were done using something as simple as the Neo Core Fighter, a machine which is usually considered incapable of fighting Mobile Suits head to head and still coming out on top. She's also able to adapt to the situation at hand, being shown to flip-flop between piloting the Zeta and the Double Zeta with Judau even in the middle of battle. Interestingly, Roux's above killing enemy soldiers that don't outright attack her. This was shown through her encounters with Glemy Toto and the fact that, in those encounters, when she escapes, she either knocks him out or disables the Suit he's in. She's only forced to kill him once the Neo Zeon Civil War reaches its peak.

Another thing about Roux is that she isn't afraid of using her charms to get what she wants. This is pretty much shown through her encounters with Glemy and the fact that she's able to escape capture at least twice because the man was foolish enough to fall for her and her words. Beyond that, she isn't above teasing people using those same charms. It probably isn't going to be beyond her to even taunt some of the other girls in their own worrisome moments over how they look. Very much a dick move, yes, but when you have it, flaunt it, right?

Despite all this, Roux isn't perfect. She's perfectly capable of pulling amaturish mistakes, such as getting herself lost in an asteroid field and getting into petty arguments with others. She's also prone to pulling boneheaded stunts such as going AWOL to get Judau out of a major funk he had fallen into (mostly because his sister supposedly died). Being a member of the AEUG (Or in this case with the games, Karaba), she knows how things are in a war and she doesn't want to see others fall into some of those same pitfalls that befall other soldiers and will most likely not like the fact that there are kids who are part of the group.

Capabilities and Resources: She has some training as a soilder and a pilot. As well, she's also a Newtype, though how powerful she is isn't really known.

(*REQUIRED* if you have a robot)
Robot Name: MSF-007 Gundam Mk-III
Robot Description: After stealing the RX-178 Gundam Mk-IIs from the Titans, Anaheim Electronics used the information gleamed from studying the units to create a new series of units, including starting the Zeta Project. One of the units created by this is the MSF-007 Gundam Mk-III.

The MSF-007 Gundam Mk-III is a massive step up from the RX-178 Gundam Mk-II. In terms of armor, it foregoes the Titanium Alloy/Ceramic composite used by the Mk-II in favor of Gundarium Alloy (presumably the Gundarium Gamma used by the Rick Dias). In terms of firepower, while it had fewer weapons, the weapons had a bigger kick to them. While foregoing the usual head vulcans, the unit keeps the usual beam saber/beam rifle combos that most mobile suits use and adds in a shield-mounted, double barrelled beam cannon, which is the unit's most powerful weapon.
Terrain Stats: (This is optional, but for those who have played SRW, this is a good way to give us a quick judge of how good your mech is overall. For those of you who haven't played the games, they are measured: --, D, C, B, A, S, with -- or D meaning it can't fight there at all and S being the best. Note that only upgrades tend to have an S unless they are entirely gimped or unusable in other areas.)
Land: A
Air: B
Sea: C
Space: B

Upgrades: (if any):
Robot Name: FA-007GIII Full Armor Gundam Mk-III
Robot Description: While the Gundam Mk-III is an impressive unit overall, the unit lacks in heavy firepower. To fix that, the FA-007GIII Full Armor Gundam Mk-III was devised.

Unlike most FA-types, the Full Armor Gundam Mk-III is built for offense than defense. This is seen through a number of points. The unit's speed is, amazingly, increased by 25%, making it much faster than the normal Mk-III. The unit's biggest highlight, though, is its weapon selection. Besides the original unit's main weaponry, it's outfitted with two leg-mounted Beam Cannons, two shoulder-mounted Shield Beam Cannons, two arm-mounted Grenade Launchers and a handheld Hyper Beam Launcher, making it an incredibly-powerful unit in its own right.
Terrain Stats: (This is optional, but for those who have played SRW, this is a good way to give us a quick judge of how good your mech is overall. For those of you who haven't played the games, they are measured: --, D, C, B, A, S, with -- or D meaning it can't fight there at all and S being the best. Note that only upgrades tend to have an S unless they are entirely gimped or unusable in other areas.)
Land: A
Air: B
Sea: C
Space: A

(*REQUIRED* if you captain a flagship)
Flagship Name: SCVA-76 Nahel Argama
Flagship Description: The Nahel Argama is one of the AEUG's strongest battleships fielded. Launched during the last portion of the First Neo-Zeon War, the Nahel Argama was taken by the "Gundam Team" in defiance of the AEUG itself, due to the fact that they wanted to replace Judau and company with experienced soldiers. With Bright Noa's blessings, the teens took the battleship and went on one massive mission together - to stop Neo-Zeon.

The Nahel Argama is outfitted with three Mobile Suit Hangars and the same number of catapaults, allowing for numerous (though Unknown number) of Mobile Suits to be stored and launched. In terms of weapons, it's outfitted with a number of powerful weapons, including four Two-Barrel High-Energy Beam Cannons, two Single-Barrel High-Energy Beam Cannons, two Mega Particle Cannons, 28 Two-Barrel Defensive Guns, and the powerful Hyper Mega Particle Cannon. Despite these powerful weapons, it does have a number of weaknesses. Because of what it has, the battleship is actually quite slow. As well, the Hyper Mega Particle Cannon requires all of battleship's energy to be charged, thus it cannot defend itself and must be aided by the suits it launches.

(NOTE: She doesn't captain it; she, along with the rest of the Gundam Team, capture it for their own. Thus, it's technically hers as well.)
Terrain Stats: (Same as above.)
Land: --
Air: A
Sea: --
Space: A

Job: (if any)

Suggested Event List:

1) The Gaza Strike - While returning with the Neo Core Fighter of the ZZ Gundam, Roux finds a number of Gaza-Ds attacking the crew, putting them on the defensive due to their location (the colony Shangra-La). They have to get rid of these annoying Mobile Suits, piloted by pilots filled with honor and style, without destroying the colony!

2) First Encounter - In an attempt to reach La Vie En Rose to retrieve the rest of the ZZ, Roux finds herself captured by Mashasyre Cello and returned to the Endra by rookie pilot Glemy Toto. She's gonna hafta use some of her feminine charms to get herself out of this! (possibly a log deal here)

) The Sky Is Falling! - A colony hijacked by Neo-Zeon has crash landed on the city of Dublin, Ireland, wiping it from the map. The "Gundam Team" searches for survivors and end up discovering something far worse - the reborn Psyco Gundam Mk-II, piloted by the clone Puru Two!

) Steal the Nahel Argama - The AEUG, weakened due to the Gryps Conflict, has regained their strength and wishes to dismiss the "Gundam Team". Unwilling to do that, they take the new battleship Nahel Argama and set out for their ultimate mission: stop Neo Zeon or be branded traitors!

) Civil War - Glemy Toto, a Neo Zeon soldier claiming to be the genetically modified descendant of the late Gihren Zabi, seeks to overthrow Haman Karn. And now, it's up to the others to sort out this mess before both sides are wiped out.

Sample Post:

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