(no subject)

Dec 26, 2010 06:35

I don't app much.

Madarame Ikkaku from Bleach (insertbaldjoke)

App Percentage: 81.8%
Played From: January 2006 to about August 2007.
That's How Long? A year and eight months.
Total Comments: 24,442
Overall Percentage: 23.3%
Reason For Dropping: BURNT OUT, and at that point I'd had a new primary in Kid. When I got Ikkaku I was all young and a novice and weird! I'm pretty embarrassed to reread most of the stuff I did while playing him, but I don't have a single regret about his actual camp experience. He is still the best and biggest troll I have ever played, and considering half the time nowadays I app primarily to troll, that is saying something. Bleach is sort of a quality crapshoot now, but at times I have thought about taking him up again as a sort of ATONEMENT PROJECT. No can do. He was great, though, and to this day I consider his relationships in camp to be some of my personal finest.
Select Option 3? CABIN 10, YUMICHIKA DRAMA, MOMENTARILY. I was totes creepy dudes why did you even let me hang out with you

Lacus Clyne from Gundam SEED Destiny (inthequietnight)

App Percentage: 94.4%
Played From: June 2006 to October 2006
That's How Long? Four months.
Total Comments: 618
Overall Percentage: 0.6%
Reason For Dropping: TOO SCARY, cast was too hip, was not enamored enough of the canon to keep on trucking as intended. I loved her concept and her design and still do to this day, though. Zen Jesus singer girl is beautiful.
Select Option 3? Man, that is not even a whole percent. This will be a recurring thing.

Watanuki Kimihiro from xxxHolic (slaveforyuu)

App Percentage: 83.9%
Played From: August 2006 to March 2008
That's How Long? A year and eight months.
Total Comments: 4,862
Overall Percentage: 4.6%
Reason For Dropping: I had a marvelous cast and lacked for nothing save for the pizazz to keep at it. He's a main character with fabulous capacity for deep and complex relationships--he deserved to be a primary and, as my focus continued to splinter, I finally threw up my hands and admitted I couldn't do it.
Select Option 3? I still love his journal title and his username. ALSO LOL WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT QUINTUPLE BATCH, I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THAT.

Kuchiki Rukia from Bleach (whitesleeves)

App Percentage: 70.8%
Played From: August 2006 to May 2007
That's How Long? Nine months.
Total Comments: 2,205
Overall Percentage: 2.1%
Reason For Dropping: I mostly got her to play with Ichigo and, later, Renji. She hadn't been my favorite main Bleach character then (that honor was reserved for Orihime), and I never really got the hang of her voice or the way she rolled. So once Zazzle dropped Ichigo and Renji wanted to drop, she had to go too. IT JUST FELT RIGHT.
Select Option 3? I think I'd love her a lot more if I reread Bleach from the start. But I have no intention of doing so. TROLL HARDER, KUBO TITE.

Kid from Eyeshield 21 (rapidfirebrain)

App Percentage: 89.5%
Played From: October 2006 to September 2008
That's How Long? A year and eleven months.
Total Comments: 10,400
Overall Percentage: 9.9%
Reason For Dropping: EYESHIELD CAST DROPPED LIKE FLIES and some of Kid's closest left. Dropped without regrets.
Select Option 3? The Katou/Hiruma/Mamori/Kid dynamic was sitcom material. Kid/Mamori is still one of the sweetest things I've ever played. It had that DOOMED HIGH SCHOOL RELATIONSHIP MELANCHOLY. Also, it ruined Maroon 5 for me forever, which I consider a bonus because that band has no redeeming qualities.

Abel Nightroad from Trinity Blood (onthenightroad)

App Percentage: 89.2%
Played From: December 2006
That's How Long? FOUR YEARS FUCK
Total Comments: 44,512
Overall Percentage: 42.3%
Reason For Apping: I wanted a counselor. An LJ friend of mine posted some fan translations of the Trinity Blood manga. I downloaded it because I liked the art. The rest, as they say...
Select Option 3? A LOT OF THINGS TO SAY ABOUT ABEL. First of all, his app is shit and I'm shocked it got voted in--by current standards it'd certainly be outed. It was written based on some charmingly amateur manga translations. That is my story, I stick to it. Second of all, Abel was actually not the Trinity Blood character I wanted to app--in fact, he was far from my favorite. That honor was for Radu, Esther, or Tres, and I might have tried to get any of them had I not gotten Abel in; however, I chose Abel because he fit this very basic template of what I wanted in a counselor--he was sociable and he had some objectively interesting qualities.

His development over the years has been shaky, but not terrible. His relationships are fairly deeply involved. As a character he can be either lively or subdued in camp depending on my meta needs. His canon is textured and lovely. Regardless of Finn's current comment rate, Abel actually still is probably my primary and will be until some point very close to the time when I leave camp altogether. Frankly, playing him has brought me a couple of my closest friends! Good times, good times. Also the porn. There's way too much porn on his account. wifebeast puts up with so much from me.

Hazel Grouse from Saiyuki Reload (whollyholy)

App Percentage: 96.4%
Played From: July 2007 to July 2009
That's How Long? Two years.
Total Comments: 1,822
Overall Percentage: 1.7%
Reason For Dropping: The majority of the Saiyuki cast left and he never quite got past back-burner status long enough for me to stay motivated. Also, I didn't know what to do with him after his canon ended. Laser-guided amnesia would've been difficult to handle without a steady relationship network, which at the time of his drop he sadly lacked.
Select Option 3? I ACTUALLY...regret this drop possibly more than any other. Or, rather, I regret his tenure at camp. The Saiyuki cast had a GOLDEN ERA and Hazel is by far one of the most fascinating characters I've ever played, and I'm occasionally still wrought with frustration over how I didn't take advantage of either of those factors. I love him, I love his story, I loved Reload. He breaks my heart anew on every reread. So fabulous. MAYOR OF BLOWJOB TOWN.

His app is terrible, though.

Akatsuki Chika from Zombie-Loan (shounenbtard)

App Percentage: 88.5%
Played From: September 2007 to June 2008
That's How Long? Nine months.
Total Comments: 1,193
Overall Percentage: 1.1%
Reason For Dropping: TBH, I probably should've dropped him when Shito dropped just 'cause that's sort of...that's sort of how it should happen, what with the whole hand...issue. Uh. But yeah, Harley and I burnt out on Chika and Shiba and then that happened. No great loss. I think around this point in my tenure at camp I realized on some level that I am terrible with high-energy characters. SOMEDAY I MAY PROVE MYSELF WRONG, but Chika was loud and brash and delightful and I suppose I just couldn't keep up with it.
Select Option 3? I THINK THIS IS THE APP THAT BROUGHT ME HARLEY. She has been an affectionate monkey in my wrench since. Also, to this day his app is one of my favorites.

Nakano Yamato from Loveless (positivezero)

App Percentage: 94.5%
Played From: November 2007 to September 2008
That's How Long? Ten months.
Total Comments: 631
Overall Percentage: 0.6%
Reason For Dropping: EH. She never became a leading lady for me, unfortunately, so when Kouya went she followed.
Select Option 3? Her voice came really easily to me, TBF. Playing both Chika and Yamato simultaneously served as a good outlet for all my youthful energy. I think whenever I app a camper it's inevitably a high school student with an attitude problem.

Rufus Shinra from Final Fantasy VII (gr8presidentor)

App Percentage: 98.4%
Played From: December 2007 to October 2008
That's How Long? Ten months.
Total Comments: 1,185
Overall Percentage: 1.1%
Reason For Dropping: UH. Wow. I can't remember. I think me keeping Rufus was at that point contingent on Jaime and Ronan wanting to keep the Turks, and it was a three-way (HA) decision to drop. No regrets.
Select Option 3? Honestly, I would re-app him if he had any decent icon fodder. He's pretty goddamn funny. Still one of my favorite ice queens, disgustingly saggy pants and all.

Nathan Petrelli from Heroes (superbillain)

App Percentage: 100.0%
Played From: January 2008 to Febuary 2010
That's How Long? A year and eleven months.
Total Comments: 1,747
Overall Percentage: 1.7%
Reason For Dropping: PETER GOES, NATHAN GOES. Them's the breaks. At that point it was Gure's call since she played Peter more than I played Nathan. We had a good run.
Select Option 3? Nathan's app was literally an eight-month project because I missed a counselor round and spent too long pining. Heroes let us all down. I remember the first season fondly, though, and actually Nathan is still one of my alternate nicks on IRC.

Charley J. Krishund from Vassalord (cherryblest)

App Percentage: 100.0%
Played From: November 2008 to August 2010
That's How Long? A year and nine months.
Total Comments: 1,227
Overall Percentage: 1.2%
Reason For Dropping: He never reached primary status and it did reach a point where both Pie and I figured he and Johnny deserved better.
Select Option 3? Pie is one of the best RP partners ever and Charley's time in camp pretty much proved it to me. SO MUCH DISCUSSION. So many nuances that I feel we captured dead-on. While the running theme here is WHY CAN'T I GIVE THESE GUYS WHAT THEY DESERVE, I feel like we still did the characters justice in significant ways. Vassalord is a gorgeous canon.

Jonathan Crane ("Scarecrow") from DC Comics (schizopro)

App Percentage: 98.4%
Played From: March 2009 to February 2010
That's How Long? Eleven months.
Total Comments: 473
Overall Percentage: 0.5%
Reason For Dropping: FAILED! It wasn't even the villainy I was concerned about--the thing that had me hesitating the most were the nuances of his speech in my favorite feature of his. Jonathan was very grimly witty and articulate and it killed me that I never felt like I nailed it.

Logan ("Wolverine") from Marvel Comics (sniktdick)

App Percentage: 94.8%
Played From: July 2009 to July 2010
That's How Long? One year.
Total Comments: 398
Overall Percentage: 0.4%
Reason For Dropping: IT TOOK ABOUT THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE DAYS for me to realize I was a bit bored with him. Wolverine is an awesome character with a tremendous capacity for meaningful connections. I just do enough of the FAKE JADED PERSONA thing in my day-to-day life without needing to express it with a short, hairy Canadian.
Select Option 3? Wish I'd managed to amass a teenage girl harem, as that's what Wolverine sort of does.

Finn Hudson from Glee (gleestud)

App Percentage: 89.5
Played From: April 2010
That's How Long? Eight months.
Total Comments: 9,299
Overall Percentage: 8.8%
Reason For Apping: I lived in Canada for the better part of the spring and my young, impressionable cousins subjected me to a musical show that was in turns perplexing, befuddling, and amusing. By the time I came back to the States I realized it had been awhile since I had written an app and I felt AN URGE! To write an app! But counselors weren't open! But then I was like, I HAVEN'T TRIED TO SNAG A CAMPER IN FOREVER! IT'S GONNA SUCK! Around this point, I think it was AJ who had begun watching the first thirteen episodes. I was like, yeah, I sort of like Finn. She enabled me without really having to try all that hard. Sian didn't know it was me; it felt a bit like committing a burglary
Select Option 3? It's safe to say that he's sliding into a primary position only previously occupied by the likes of Ikkaku, Kid, and Abel. Which is weird, because Finn is not at all a character I would have immediately thought of as "my type"--I'm not sure I have a type, but Finn certainly doesn't fit that description. He was almost a gag app, actually, but then I started playing him more because I could switch my brain off in the process. Glad I did. I see him as nearly replaceable insofar as the whole primary position goes, but I can't see myself dropping him anytime soon--I can't stop watching his terrible and absurd show, and he'd be a comfortable back-burner as well. I haven't found anyone else to app on top of that whom I can see myself playing as actively, so there's that. \D

Britta Perry from Community (nogoodb)

App Percentage: 92.5%
Played From: August 2010
That's How Long? Four months.
Total Comments: 83
Overall Percentage: .08%
Select Option 3? Comfortable troll character for now, could be bumped up in the near future. I over-identify with Britta more than is potentially healthy. She is my favorite lady on television right now. Shit is difficult.


I've played here HOW long? 1810 days. What the hell.
Overall Comment Count: 105,097. LET'S BE FAIR, Finn and Abel have some crazy AU stuff going on. (FINN IS NOT DOING PORN.)
Average Comments Per Day: 58?
Shortest Kept: Lacus (four months)
Longest Kept: Abel (four years)
Most Played: Abel.
Least Played: Britta so far.
Highest Percentage: Nathan, Charley (100%)
Lowest Percentage: Rukia (70.8%)


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