Vampire!Kurt by alilactree

Jan 03, 2014 23:42

Title: Vampire!Kurt
Author: a-lilac-tree
Reader: oohshinyfangirl
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bloodplay
Summary: Anonymous prompted: vampire!Kurt falling in love with human!blaine and for some reason starts slowing turning back into human and he can finally see himself in a mirror after like centuries of not being able to.
File Info: mp3, 22.11MB, 19:19
Download: MediaFire
Crossposted: amplificathon, personal lj, kurt_blaine, AO3
Notes: I absolutely love alilactree's fic and am thrilled to record some of it! This particular story has threads of humor and tenderness that I find pretty irresistible. If you like the story, let alilactree know!

file:mp3, reader:oohshinyfangirl, pairing:blaine/kurt, !not archived

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