Of Our Hands by KlaineKittens

Aug 17, 2013 18:47

Title:  Of Our Hands
Author: klainekittens
Reader: ceruleanscarab
Fandom:  Glee
Rating:  NC-17
Characters/Pairings:  Kurt/Blaine
Status:  Complete in 16 parts
Format:  MP3
Length:  4 hours 47 minutes

Summary:  Blaine barely survived his last school, and now he’s the new kid at McKinley High. He didn’t expect to make any friends, especially not one as popular and handsome as Kurt Hummel. As their friendship grows, Kurt begins to discover that Blaine has a unique set of needs, and Kurt is determined to take care of him. Jock!Kurt AU, deals with issues of touch starvations and a dominant/submissive relationship.

Spoilers: Possible through S3

Warning: Homophobia, mild violence, eventual Dom/sub relationship, punishment

MP3s Available Here

reader:ceruleanscarab, file:mp3, pairing:blaine/kurt, category:slash, !not archived

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