Cover Me by wowbright

Mar 09, 2013 23:15

Title: Cover Me
Author: wowbright
Reader: oohshinyfangirl
Rating: NC-17 for sex and language
Spoilers: Nothing specific, but assumes up to 3.8
Word Count: 6,360
Summary: Sebastian unwittingly improves Kurt's and Blaine's sex life. Porn with a bit of a plot.
File Info: mp3, 60.12MB, 52:32
Download: MediaFire
Crossposted: personal lj, amplificathon, kurt_blaine
Notes:I was so happy to see that transformative works policy which allowed me to record this, because I absolutely love wowbright's use of Sebastian as lever to pry out the truth about what Blaine really wants in bed.

file:mp3, reader:oohshinyfangirl, pairing:blaine/kurt, category:slash, !not archived

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