Reflection by flaming_muse

Feb 15, 2013 22:11

Title: Reflection
Author: flaming_muse
Reader: oohshinyfangirl
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Spoilers: set during the first few months of the season 3 school year but with absolutely no actual spoilers for the show, just some personal speculation about how things could go for the characters based on the contractual status of the cast
Summary: The problem with looking in the mirror is that you don’t always like what you see in it.
File Info: mp3: 272MB, 3:59:01; mb4: 105MB, 3:59:01
Download: mp3, m4b
Crossposted: gleepodfic, amplificathon, kurt_blaine
Notes: I am so incredibly grateful for the gift of flaming_muse's writing and was so pleased to be granted permission to put my spin on this version of Kurt and Blaine for my 2012 podbang. If you like the story, please let flaming_muse know. If you love the cover art, like I do, give thanks to jinjurly. And if there are any mistakes in recording (and god, I really hope there aren't), well, that's all on me.

file:mp3, reader:oohshinyfangirl, pairing:blaine/kurt, category:slash, file:m4b(audiobook)

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