Untitled Klaine Drabble by Slightestwind

Nov 07, 2012 22:23

This podfic was a milestone for me. I finally got Audacity down the my ideal volume, which made everything sound more intimate. I normally hate the sound of my own voice, but creating this podfic changed that.

Title: Untitled Klaine Drabble
Author: Slightestwind
Reader: analise010
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Kurt’s reaction to hearing Blaine curse for the first time, for the Klaine Firsts Prompt Meme
Warnings: Hand jobs, cursing
File info: mp3, 9.5MB, 10:22
Temporary Link: On Mediafire
Crossposted to: Amplificathon, my personal Dreamwidth, and the Audiofic Archive (right-click and save).

Acknowledgements: Slightestwind you are spectacular for letting me record this and podklb you were a better beta than I could have asked for. ♥

file:mp3, pairing:blaine/kurt, category:slash, !archived

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