2:15 by oddmeants

Jan 28, 2012 20:39

Title: 2:15
Author: oddwritesstuff (oddmeants)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Darren Criss/Chris Colfer
Word Count: 2746
Spoilers: It’s hard to spoil what doesn’t actually exist.
Summary: For this prompt "It is after they filmed the kiss and the behind glee. One of the boys phones the other and they end up discussing the kiss. Darren brings up Chris' cigarette joke, and asks if he was actually being serious. Chris tells him that yeah, it was the hottest kiss he's ever had. This talk then progresses into phone sex."
File info: mp3, 19.46MB, 21:14
Download: MediaFire, Sendspace
Crossposted: amplificathon, kurt_blaine, personal lj
Notes: This is the first in the Timestamps series. Look for my podfics of the other stories in the series, too! Thanks so much to oddwritesstuff for allowing me to record these!

file:mp3, pairing:chris colfer/darren criss, reader:oohshinyfangirl, category:rpf, !archived

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