Glee Podfic: Offside Pass

Sep 27, 2011 12:34

Title: Offside Pass (part of the Down is where we came from series)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Futurefic. Puck's working as a bartender in L.A. when he runs into the one person he had no idea he'd been missing.
Pairing: Glee, Puck/Kurt
Read by:
Time/Size: MP3, 29:56 minutes, 20.5MB
Comments: First time posting a podfic, so any and all feedback is welcome!

Download at sendspace.

ETA: also at mediafire:

crossposted at
podslash amplificathon

(also, I didn't see a tag for the pairing, sorry >.<)

file:mp3, pairing:kurt/puck, category:slash, reader:miss_speller, !archived

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