Welcome to the
gleenewsletter that keeps you updated on everything that's going on behind the scenes, on screen, and in the fandom of our favorite TV show Glee.
Official News & Media
Fannish news, challenges, bigbangs
Fanfic: Oneshot/Completed
Fanfic: WIP
- Unbroken, chapter 16 by dreamsofspike (Blaine/Kurt, NC-17)
- So far from hom, chapter 6 by phantomofarose (Blaine/Kurt, R)
- Love never truly dies, chapter 5a by ninja-of-pasta (Blaine/Kurt, PG-13)
- From here, Chapter 11 by naos-ark (Blaine/Kurt, PG)
- We follow darkness like a dream, Chapter 1 by gleek-inc (Kurt/Puck, PG-13)
- There's something wrong with Blaine, chapter 2 by mothergoddamn (Blaine/Kurt, Blaine/Finn, PG-13)
Other Fanworks
If we missed anything, let us know, and we'll include it in tomorrow's edition. You can comment here, or
PM us at
gleenewsletter is always looking for people to support our team of editors! Contact us at
gleewatcher if you think you'd like to help out.