FINALLY, I know, we have the announcement of our winner. It was a very close race:
First Place:
imaginaryglory Entries Thread
Here Second Place:
anassa_anemouEntries Thread
Here Third Place:
jinchiue Entries Thread
Here Below in the comments are ALL the prompts, listed by author
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Dave knew he should be focused on his work, on mending the fence in front of him. However, curiosity had gotten the better of the young farmhand as soon as his boss' niece stepped out of the home. She was quite mysterious indeed; a bonnet always covered her face and her dresses were tied much higher than any other woman he had seen though he'd only ever seen her twice from a far. He watched as she slipped into the old shed behind the barn.He couldn't help but follow.
"Miss? You shouldnt--" He had began pushing open the doors.
"Get out!" But he'd already seen.
"You're not a miss..." He was staring a tall boy with a swollen stomach. "You're a boy."
The boy rolled his eyes, "Powerful skills of observation you have there."
"Because no respectable young man allows another young man to get him pregnant. That is a duty reserved for the girls." Sebastian ranted, quoting his father's speech of disappointment before he was shipped where no one would see him. Where he would give birth to his child, who would be raised not knowing him while he went back to being respectable.
"Why'd you come here."
He considered the broad shoulder farmhand for a moment, taken off guard the other boy hadn't high tailed it out of the small room. "I just wanted to be a boy again, if only for a little while."
Dave wasn't quite sure what to say, "I like you better as a boy."
Sebastian smiled fondly at the memory of the first time Dave had followed him. He rubbed his growing belly gently as he tucked their two daughters into their bed before he made his way back towards the family room checking on their second eldest as he did so.
"You're fifteen now," He could hear Dave's voice drift in over the sound of the fire crackling from stone place. "I wanted to give you something." He peered in to see his oldest. A boy now fifteen, he wouldn't have been able to keep if he had ran away with Dave just before he'd given birth. Found a place that had accepted them, and no one ever knew Daniel wasn't Daves. Heck, Sebastian thought, sometimes it seemed like Dave even forgot that fact. He watched as his husband handed over the old pocket watched.
"It's yours. It belonged to my grandfather, and my father and now you. Now, take care of it and get off to bed."
"Yes, sir."
Sebastian smiled as Daniel passed before he made his was to Dave.
"Everyone asleep?" Dave asked planting a brief kiss on Sebastian's lips.
"All but one." He returned the kiss, looking around at their modest cabin. It was far from the life he had grown up in. Far from the life he had been groomed to live. Now, five children and one attentive husband later it would be the only one he ever want.
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