This week's Glee ep...

Feb 23, 2012 01:22

I can't even begin to describe all the emotions I felt...Back in season two when we saw the side of David Karofsky that was willing to let go and actually perform with the Glee club and honestly didn't care for a few moments..made me love his character. I began to nurse a spot in my heart for his character. Through the changes his character has gone through, part of me grew with him.

To see his character get rejected last week (even though I adore Klaine..I still don't want to see him hurt.) Well it broke my heart for him. Then to see him fall apart the way he killed me I've been in his shoes. I know how he felt and I really killed me. I spent more time crying then anything during that whole episode. I can't describe all the emotions I felt..and still feel.

Another beautiful thing was Sebastian's character. Seeing his character honestly rethink and honestly REGRET was a very amazing and powerful moment to me. I would love to see development between him and Karofsky. I think they would do so much good for each other and teach each other many things. I can see Sebastian giving Karofsky confidence and also someone who he can look up too in many of the ways Karofsky could look up to Kurt. As for Sebastian. I can see Karofsky teaching Sebastian how to honestly learn to care about someone and see past all the superficial crap that he used to see.

I ship this so hard. I can only hope that we continue to see growth in these two characters and hopefully a potential relationship blossom. Karofsky deserves to be loved and truly accepted, and I hope that one person can be Sebastian, who I feel can learn so much from Karofsky,


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