So, I saw a video of Jared Padalecki at, I think it was VanCon, and he was talking about his latest prank on Misha. I watched it, I laughed, and went on my merry way. And then I started thinking about it.
For those who don't know, apparently Misha left his phone out and Jared took it, and thought he would be funny and send texts, letter by letter, to himself and ring up Misha's bill. The joke turned on him when he realized that he had to pay for texts received. So he said it cost about 50 cents a text, and, well.
I like pranks as much as the next person, but I also have a super strong moral compass. Pranks that end in pain are hilarious, pranks that end in months' worth of work to pay off? Not so much. Money isn't really something that a lot of people can afford to throw around like water balloons. I feel it's easy to laugh at your own pain, and fairly easy to forget about. But when something costs you money that you worked long and hard for, most times at a job that you don't want to be at? Then you don't laugh. It's not very humorous on your part. I don't know about other people, but I would get mad and hurt that someone would disregard the fact that money doesn't appear from nowhere. And the person offering to pay the costs? Makes it hurt less, but I still wouldn't want to play with that person anymore.
Back to the cause. So, the Supernatural fans on my flist probably know about the Epic Car War between Jared and Misha? I forget what Jared did to Misha's car first, but Misha tried to have Jared's car towed (and failed) and Jared is reported to have said that, had his car been towed, he would have totaled Misha's car. I like Jared as a person, but I wouldn't want to play around with him because I kinda don't think he was lying and he seems to not have much respect for the cost side of pranks. Money is a touchy subject with people.
And I'm all the more put off by the fact that Misha is going to be running for charity next weekend, AND in the same video Jared let out that Misha's having a kid. The guy is going to push himself to exhaustion (I BELIEVE HE WILL RUN FAR!) for a bunch of people he has never met, to get money so their quality of life can be at least a little better, AND he's going to have to support a new member of his family soon. I'm going to take a liberty here and say that the combined total of Jared's prank cost at least $150. I like Jared, I do, but every time I think about how that money could have gone into Random Acts I want to smack his big, tall, fat head :/
(Also guys, I'm not completely sure about the story because I just watched a video from Misha's panel. According to him Jared sent him a birthday message by the letter and then a bunch of blanks. Maybe it was both, in which case the total is probably more around $350.)
Tl;dr: If I had to chose a prank, I'd rather get smacked in the face than lose money.
Also, guys, when did they add the facebook/twitter stuff to lj? WHAT'S GOING ON?!