Aug 29, 2010 12:52
We're all nerds here. I know that, you know that. What is the nerdiest thng about you that you can think of?
Mine is that lately, when technology doesn't immediately work, I actually pretend I have a sonic screwdriver. I pretend to hold it and I point it at the laptop/the wii (the only things I've actually done this for so far) and hum. The scary thing? It works.
My mom kept trying to log onto this site and it wasn;t working, and I had just finished watching Doctor Who and I pointed my imaginary sonic screwdriver at the laptop and she was finally able to log in. The same thing the next day. Today the internet wasn't connecting to the wii properly. I pointed my imaginary screwdriver and then it worked. THIS IS BOTH SLIGHTLY SCARY AND REALLY AWESOME AT THE SAME TIME.
Also I start school on Tuesday. WHAT? I'M NOT READY. GAAAAAAH *panics*
i want a tardis,
i'm a nerd,
fandom rules my life,
i'm pathetic aren't i,
i'mma end up in the nuthouse