I frikken love nerds.

Aug 17, 2010 00:27

So, I essentialy spent my day lazing around on lj, catching up on some youtube, and playing around in paint to make birthday pictures for two people I have never met.

I watched a bunch of communitychannel. Then I caught up on vlogbrothers. Nat(communitychannel) just cracks me up, I don't even care, I love her. And if you think I'm lame for that...well, your mom was lame last night. That made a lot more sense if you've seen even a few of her videos. Anyways, and I just love the vlogbrothers.

Guys, everyone reading this, if you aren't a nerdfighter you SHOULD be. Go! These guys are awesome and funny and nerdy and I really wanna meet them.

Anyways, I know, you guys are just dying to know what I was doing on paint *sarcasm* No, really though. Misha's birthday is on Friday, and I feel in the true spirit of randomness I would make him a picspam. Basically I went on google images and got a few pictures and added random stuff. I don't care what you say, it's awesome. In one of them it's Cas boxing with Alastair. Oh yeah, NOW you're curious, huh? And then I checked my other email (otherwise known as my RL email. Yeah, I have a seperate one for fan-ish stuff and things I don't want covering any possible SRS BSNS emails) and I found out that JOHN GREEN'S BIRTHDAY IS CLOSE!

To non-nerdfighters, vlogbrothers are two brothers who, yep, vlog. Every year on their respective birthdays they have a secret project. Basically they get involved with the people who watch them and they have this super long video with songs/pictures/videos that people made for them :) It's really fun. For Hank's birthday this year people planted trees in Hank's name. What am I doing for John's birthday? Well, the theme was 'French the llama' (John's version of FTL, what is supposed to be the opposite of FTW). I put a picture of a llama onto a French flag...I know, not much, but whatever. I made Cas and Alastair box, what more do you want from me?

Anyways, I wanted to talk about Pillars of the Earth. OK, I wanted to talk about Jack. ~~~~SPOILER FOR THE 5TH EPISODE~~~~~ OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I WISH HE HAD JUST LEFT AND BECAME A SOMEBODY AND GOT ALL RICH AND WAS HAPPY AND NEVER HAD TO DEAL WITH FREAKING JEALOUS ALMOST-STEP-BROTHERS AND STUPID JACKASS WILLIAM WHO IS A RAPIST BUT IT COULD BE HIS INCESTUOUS MOTHER'S FAULT. Also, when he became a monk I am soooooo thankful he didn't cut his hair. Oh God, I love his hair. I just want to run my fingers through it... (EDIT: In my excitedness I made that one sentence really confusing. To clarify, it is William who has the crazy incestuous mother, not  Jack. No, Jack's mom is pretty awesome, yet another strong woman in a story set in a time where women were looked down on.)

Also, I got one of those stupid chain emails and it was about starsigns. Given that Misha's birthday is Friday, he's a Leo. This is what it said:
LEO - The Lion (July 23 to August 22)
Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo's problem becomes everyone's problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous. Knows how to have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.
I would say everything but the predictable and monotonous bits are extremely, extremely Misha.

And yes, I'm being a bad nerdfighter by not reading my summer books but I'l get to it soon!

mish mish, i'm a nerd, my brain is crazy, best wishes and dftba, ramble ramble ramble

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