I don't even know what to do right now. I just watched episode 32 and...now I'm on my bed whimpering. Episodes 29 and 30 were amazing, and have become my new favorites. They were hilarious. However, as hilarious as they were, they preluded some serious DEEP stuff. And the entire episode I was in a state of shock where I made sad little noises (or
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All of that aside, I really need to start watching it. That gif sells me on the show every time.
YES. WATCH IT. It is awesome, if not (apparently) emotionally draining. Ugh. Honestly, I didn't actually cry, why do my eyes feel as if I had?
I definitely will. Probably sooner than I thought the more that I read your posts. I really want to see the adorable.
I will happily take the blame :D
Ahaha. Good. I'll totally point the finger at you once I'm hooked. *G*
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