So I just got back from getting my badge for Anime Expo. AT LEAST. TWO. HOURS. IN. LINE. Well, it will probably be longer tomorrow. Anywho, my feet are not happy, because I then walked about 5 looong blocks to try to get food, but nothing was open, so I had to walk some more to get to the train station, then when I got off the train I walked some more to Burger King and then home. Where I will now rest a bit, take a shower, and then get ready TO STAND IN ANOTHER LINE.
Last night, 5 hour line for Eclipse. Today, 2 hour line for Anime Expo. Tonight, 3 hour line for The Last Airbender. Ok, I think that will be all of the complaining. NOw for the fun stuff. While standing in line I saw many a cosplayer, but my favorite was not an anime, oh no.
For two full hours, I got to stand in line behind DR. HORRIBLE. Yes, I got so excited when I realized who he was, and he was right in front of me. One of my few real-life I-want-to-jump-up-and-down-and-scream fangirl moments. The fangirliness eventually went away once I started talking to him and his friend, but oh my goodness, it was awesome. And his costume was really good. I tried to be Dr. Horrible for Halloween, but it was last minute and it more-or-less sucked. But this guy, oh, this guy had the boots, the gloves, the coat, to goggles.
So, although my ankles hate me, that two hours was worth it. I really wish my friend had been wearing his Captain Hammer shirt though. (Oh, and yes I did start playing the soundtrack. It was awesome.) His friend was pretty cool too. She attempted to organize an improptu sing-along of Never Gonna Give You Up, and then the original Pokemon Theme Song.
Oh, here's a
picture og the guy dressed as Dr. Horrible.