Fic: Ladybugs

Dec 21, 2009 00:29

Title: Ladybugs
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana
Rating: PG
Length: 1643
Spoilers: Nope
Summary: Brittany is very good at comforting others.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: Sooo… anomalousalanna requested a cuddly Brittany fic. I think this applies, though it’s really just a bunch of fluff without a plot. Sorry about that. Both relationships are established.

Brittany had just closed the box to Candyland, and was moving to place it on top of Chutes and Ladders on her game shelf when she heard the soft knock at her front door. She frowned, Santana was not supposed to come over until later, and she didn’t bother knocking anymore, anyway. She pulled open the door to reveal a short brunette standing on her front step, slightly hunched over and wearing a timid smile.

“Rachel! I just finished a game of Candyland, but we can play again if you want.” She tugged the small girl through the door, pulling her into a quick hug.

“Hi, Britt.” Rachel pulled back and queried softly, “Is…is Santana here?”

“Oh, no,” Brittany responded while nodding her head. “She won’t be over until tonight.” She thought about Santana’s rules, “Oh, and we will not be having a sleepover without clothing.” She stared at Rachel seriously.

“Okay.” Rachel looked around, “Who were you playing with, then?”

Brittany replied simply, “Me,” but Rachel frowned in response, so she continued, “I saw on TV that people can play chess by themselves to get better. And I always lose, so I wanted to practice.”

The blonde girl’s smile faltered as she examined Rachel’s demeanor. People called her stupid a lot, well, not so much since Santana started threatening extremely painful things, but it did still happen. She knew that people didn’t expect her to understand much more than the dance moves she perfected with unerring ease, but they didn’t realize how much time she spent just observing people. And what Rachel was displaying was definitely not happy. And that hurt Brittany’s heart a little. She could feel it like a tiny fist squeezing tight, and then she got a little scared, because the image of a baby squeezing her heart was frightening. She hoped Drizzle would never do that to Quinn. She was already inside of the other blonde girl, so it couldn’t be too difficult. She tucked that thought aside for further examination later, and draped an arm over Rachel’s shoulder, leading her into the family room. She set herself back into the corner of her sectional couch, pulling Rachel down into a hug.

“Um, Britt?” Rachel’s voice was muffled against Brittany’s shoulder, and she pushed herself up a little to create some more space. “What are you doing?”

Brittany blinked twice, thinking that it was odd that people found her to be slow when a smart girl like Rachel Berry couldn’t even figure out when she was being cuddled. “I’m cuddling you. You’re sad.”

Rachel’s mouth quirked up on one side before she frowned again.

“Why are you sad? Do you want to make cookies? My mom makes them when I’m sad, and Santana likes it when I cuddle her if she’s sad.” She paused, and Rachel thought she could see the gears working in the Cheerio’s head before Brittany went on, “Not that Santana has ever been sad. Because she hasn’t.” Rachel’s face remained impassive, but she didn’t move further away. “Did I do a bad job? Because I’ve been told I’m a very good cuddler. Not by Santana, though. By someone else.”

Rachel finally smiled genuinely, “No, you weren’t doing a bad job, Britt. I was just surprised. You’re a good cuddler.”

Brittany’s face lit up, bright grin stretching across her features and she pulled Rachel back down to her, running her fingers through the chestnut hair. She could feel Rachel relax into the hold, her head rested in the crook of her shoulder. “Why are you sad?” The singer immediately tensed up against her.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Rachel’s voice was strained, her words clipped.

Brittany stilled her motions in brown hair, removing the offending fingers and resting one hand on Rachel’s back instead, the other safely against her own hip. She just waited. She could feel the girl against her start to tense up more, and knew that she would speak when ready.

“Noah told me to stay out of his baby’s life. He said that I would only end up making things worse for her and for Quinn.”

Rachel’s words had come out in a rush, and Brittany always had a hard time when Rachel talked that fast, but she did hear the first part. “Why would he want you to stay away from Drizzle?” She shook her head a little, jostling Rachel. “Even I know that is silly. You love her, even though she is still inside of Quinn.” Brittany smiled, “I like it when you sing to her. Quinn told me that Drizzle dances just like I do when you do that.” The blonde girl kind of wanted cookies now that she suggested them to Rachel, but she kept talking anyway, “Where is Q? I think she would agree with me.”

“I don’t want to worry her,” Rachel whispered, then as if in surprise she asserted, “You really are a good cuddler.” She snuggled a little closer.

Brittany beamed proudly, “You are, too. But you can’t keep me, because I think it would make Quinn mad. And Santana might try to beat you up. Just because she’s protective, though.”

A knock at the door made Rachel jump back from the taller girl, eyes wide. “Is that Santana?”

“Probably Quinn.”

If it was possible, Rachel’s eyes widened more. “How…what…?”

“I texted her that you were here.”

Rachel stared, “When? You haven’t left my side since I got here!”

“Santana says I am sneaky.” Brittany hopped off the couch, practically skipping to the front door before letting Quinn in.

The - now quite pregnant - girl walked in slowly, eyes immediately locating Rachel’s and searching them without a word. Brittany bounced around her, plopping herself down on the couch next to Rachel once more.

“Puck is mean and Rachel says I’m a good cuddler,” Brittany stated easily once Quinn entered the room more fully.

Quinn’s eyes narrowed dangerously, “What?”

“Just cuddling, Quinn. That’s all,” Rachel quickly interjected before Brittany could open her mouth again.

Quinn’s anger turned to irritation and she shook her head, “I don’t care about that, I already know Brittany’s a good cuddler. I meant the Puck part. How painful do I need to make his death?”

Santana’s voice carried through the doorway as she walked in, “That is one thing I would love to help you with, Q. Is now okay?”

Brittany leapt off the couch, running and throwing herself into Santana’s arms. She leaned her face in close before backing off and looking back at Rachel and Quinn. “Guys, can you turn around for a minute? I need to not kiss S right now.”

Quinn groaned and rolled her eyes, “Britt, we all already know about you two. The whole school does.” She continued around the couch, settling next to Rachel and pulling her into a loose hug before dropping a quick kiss on the corner of her mouth.

Brittany looked at Santana in confusion, and the Latina nodded. “We’ve talked about this, B.”

The blonde Cheerio’s brow furrowed, “I just forget which rules you changed. There are so many. Does this mean I’m allowed to talk about the toys? Because they are fun and feel good and I think Rachel and Quinn-” Santana covered the other girl’s lips with her own, effectively silencing her. Brittany’s forehead smoothed, and she pulled Santana’s hips against her own before Quinn cleared her throat. Their lips came apart with a quiet pop, and Santana blushed, though she would deny it later. Brittany smiled widely, “Do you want to watch a movie?”

Quinn looked at Rachel quickly, gauging her reaction, and Rachel smiled and nodded at Brittany. “A movie sounds great, Britt,” the singer said. Quinn decided to let the Puck thing go for the time being.

Santana scowled, but agreed to help Brittany make the popcorn while Quinn and Rachel picked out the movie. When they came back into the family room, Rachel and Quinn were snuggled close, and the TV was on. Brittany climbed over the back of the couch, sliding down next to Rachel and Santana brought the popcorn around the front, dropping it onto Quinn’s lap carefully. Quinn raised an eyebrow at her, and Santana managed to refrain from saying how it was going to end up over there anyway. She sat down next to Brittany, sliding in behind her to wrap an arm around her waist.

A minute passed, and Rachel scooted a little closer to Brittany, tugging Quinn along with her.

“Berry,” Santana’s voice came out as a low growl, “what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Rachel countered uncertainly, “Um, cuddling?”

Brittany turned to smile at Santana, “I’m a good cuddler. You said so and so did Rachel and Quinn.”

“We can’t all cuddle Brittany,” Santana tried to sound gruff, but it came out more like a whine.

“I don’t mind, babe,” Brittany grinned, kissing Santana on the cheek.

The Latina’s face softened, though she grumbled a bit before she stopped squirming around.

Ten minutes into Moulin Rouge, Brittany spoke up, “Are ladybugs good cuddlers?”

Three sets of eyes turned to the blonde cheerleader, Rachel finally questioning, “What?”

Brittany’s head cocked to the side before she answered completely innocently, “Well, because I used to cuddle with my grandma when she read to me and she called me ‘ladybug.’ So does that mean that ladybugs are good at cuddling like me?”

“Um, sure, Britt.” Quinn nodded slowly, catching Santana’s eye over Brittany’s shoulder. The Latina gave her a look that said she had no idea either, but was grateful nonetheless.

Another twenty minutes passed, yet no one was surprised when Brittany spoke again. “Don’t let Drizzle squeeze your heart, Quinn. I don’t think it would feel good.”

No one had a response to that, but it didn’t really matter. Brittany hadn’t waited for one.

pairing: rachel/quinn, pairing: brittany/santana, fandom: glee, fic, fic: rating - pg

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