Fic: Because the Night (Belongs to Lovers)

Dec 07, 2009 23:41

Title: Because the Night (Belongs to Lovers)
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana, Puck/Kurt
Rating: R for language
Length: 1447
Spoilers: Sectionals?
Summary: Gleek sleepover - post first semester at college
Disclaimer: I own nothing. It’s really sad.
A/N: For grdnofevrythng… I’m not sure if this is exactly what she had in mind, but this is where my head went. So, I hope it’s okay. *grin* Either way, thanks for encouraging my procrastination.

The blonde girl lay in her sleeping bag quietly. She was really trying not to listen, but there were recognizable sounds coming from two different sides of the room. They were quiet, breathy pants, and almost inaudible kisses, but she had always had exceptional hearing. She tried not to think about it too much, even though in the back of her mind she was aware that there were only four others in the room with her, and she understood the implications of that. It was their winter break, first semester of college under their belts, and they were having a glee club reunion. Alcohol of course became involved when Puck learned that her parents were out of town for another couple of days. Tina, Artie, Finn, Mercedes, Mike and Matt weren’t back yet, their breaks started the next week, but the other six decided to start celebrating early. And some were apparently celebrating more than others.

Unable to ignore it any longer, Brittany rolled over, lifted her head, and leaned in to kiss a line down Santana’s neck. The brunette woke up, exhaling slowly as she felt Brittany’s lips moving on her skin. She smiled. Then her eyes shot open. “Brit,” she whispered harshly as she scooted away from the other girl quickly. “Everyone is in the room with us!”

“They won’t care,” Brittany moved back in to kiss Santana’s lips.

“What do you mean, ‘they won’t care?’”

Brittany pulled back, head tilting a little to the side. “They’re kind of already doing it. I just figured we shouldn’t be left out.”

Santana’s ears pricked up, and she could make out the sounds Brittany was referring to. “Ugh,” she groaned. She reached over, tapping on the lamp’s floor switch, and threw a pillow in the direction of Rachel and Quinn.

“What the hell, guys?” Santana’s voice was loud, but she quickly stopped herself when she saw that Rachel and Quinn weren’t the only ones who had been caught when she turned on the light.

“Wait, you two-”

“Well, I knew about you two.”

“But how long have you-”

“We DON’T!”

“Then what were we doing in the back of your car at the airport last night?” Kurt trailed off at Puck’s glare.

Santana blinked, then turned to stare at Rachel and Quinn, ignoring the boys for a moment. Rachel’s pleased grin infuriated her further. “Christ, you two. Brittany and I have the decency to find a private place, at least!”

“Well, not when we were-”

Santana clapped her hand over Brittany’s mouth quickly.

“Oh, that’s right. We definitely did not have sex at our Cheerios sleepovers,” Brittany solemnly said when she peeled Santana’s hand from her mouth. Santana’s eyes closed, as if she were suppressing the urge to snap. “Or on the bus on the way to Sectionals last year.” Brittany brushed her bangs back, carefully avoiding eye contact with everyone else.

“I told you,” Rachel interrupted triumphantly, poking Quinn in the side.

Puck had been inching slowly away from Kurt, as inconspicuously as possible, but it was not meant to last. Santana’s ire quickly turned to him. “And you two,” her jaw looked like it had come unhinged.

Brittany interjected, her tone logical, “You always said he liked a little ass play.”

Santana turned to face the girl, shock evident.

Puck groaned in embarrassment, and looked like he was torn between running out and punching everyone. His voice was low and angry, “What the fuck, Santana?”

She just raised an eyebrow, challenging him to refute it.

Rachel finally lost it, she was shaking she was laughing so hard. And really, it shouldn’t have surprised anyone. The amount of alcohol she had consumed, while miniscule to others, took over her little body quickly. She flopped half onto Quinn’s lap, one arm draped around her shoulder. Quinn looked at her in amusement, but didn’t join in, waiting for the singer to finally vocalize what it was she was laughing at. She understood Rachel’s process when she got into her silly drunk mode.

“Do you…” Rachel gasped, “realize that half,” she choked on a giggle and took a deep breath before she could continue, “of our glee club is gay?”

Puck growled, “I’m not gay!”

Kurt, who had remained quiet thus far finally spoke up, “Methinks the lady doth protest too much.”

Puck couldn’t even speak for a moment, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, “The lady? I’m the lady?”

They were all silent as they took in this development.

Puck looked around the room, from girl to girl. “I’m not the chick! Fuck!”

“Oh, come on, Puck. We’re all friends. We’re not going to judge you,” Quinn spoke up, consoling him. “Much.” Rachel busted into more giggles, and Quinn had to bite her lip to stop herself from doing the same.

Brittany shrugged. “I don’t see what the big deal is.” She looked at Santana, “We’re all happy.”

“Well, some of us were on our way to that, at least,” Kurt muttered.

Puck seemed to clear his head, “Wait a second. I knew about you two,” he pointed at Santana and Brittany. “But what the hell? You guys hate each other.”

Rachel’s laughter renewed, so Quinn fielded that one. “Not really. Besides, the love/hate thing is great for sex.”

“That’s so hot,” Puck said.

Rachel gasped, laying on her back at that point, and they could tell she was trying to say something.

“Berry,” Santana finally snapped, “just spit it out.” She looked at Quinn, disgust clear in her eyes, “Is this how she always gets when she’s drunk? How do you put up with it?”

Quinn shrugged, pulling Rachel up. Rachel controlled herself, “Who are you kidding?” She looked at Puck. “Hm. That was much funnier without the pause in between,” she said with a frown. “What I meant was: who are you kidding? You want Kurt.”

Puck threw his pillow at Rachel.

Rachel ducked-unsuccessfully-and whined, “Why do I keep getting pillows thrown at me?” Quinn placed a soothing kiss on the brunette’s head.

Brittany looked at Puck seriously, “You shouldn’t throw that away, Kurt will probably need it later. Unless he was serious about the lady thing. In which case you’ll need it.” She smiled at Santana, clearly proud of her deduction.

Puck let out a shout of frustration, falling back onto the couch. “This is insane. Hummel was just convenient.”

Kurt stood, straightening his back regally. “Very well.” He headed toward the stairs, “You can take care of yourself later, then. Maybe you’ll find your hand convenient.” He glanced at Brittany, “Do you mind if I sleep in your room? I’m done with…” he paused as he motioned with his hand in a bored manner, “this.” He didn’t wait for a response.

The girls watched him leave the room, and they all looked back to Puck. He was tensed at the edge of the couch. He glanced toward the stairs, then back at the girls. A minute passed before he finally shrugged, as if to say, “fuck it.” He shot off the couch and bounded up the steps.

Santana grimaced, “You’re going to have to burn those sheets, babe.”

Brittany shrugged cheerfully. “Can we make out now?”

The Latina stared at Brittany.

“Oh come on, it’s not like we haven’t done it in the same room as them before.”

Quinn chuckled, “You what?”

“Oh. I mean, we never did it in the same room as you before,” Brittany said, taking on a serious tone again. She looked at Santana for approval.

Santana let her forehead fall into the palm of her hand. “Yeah, Brit. Yeah.”

Quinn stood, tugging a wobbly Rachel to her feet as well. “You guys do that. I’m going to take chuckles home anyway.”

Rachel pouted at Quinn, “What? But we’re having a fun sleepover!”

The blonde girl leaned in, whispering into Rachel’s ear, and the pout slipped from her face as it colored pink. “Oh,” Rachel said quietly. She nodded, more sure. “Okay, girls. We’ve gotta go.”

Brittany jumped up, enveloping Rachel and Quinn in a tight hug.

Santana just gave them a tight smile, quietly relieved. Brittany walked them to the front door, eyes widening when she asked Quinn if she was okay to drive. Quinn assured her that she only had two drinks, so Brittany let them leave, watching as Quinn supported Rachel down to the car. She waved as they drove off, before skipping back over to Santana happily. She dropped gracefully to the floor in front of the brunette, reaching out to cup her chin. “Now?”

Santana grinned back, “Now,” she nodded and flicked off the lamp.

pairing: rachel/quinn, pairing: brittany/santana, fandom: glee, fic, fic: rating - r, pairing: puck/kurt

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