Guidelines for posting final gifts!

Dec 24, 2010 08:20

blue_icy_roseIt's officially December 24th, folks! You know what that means? You can start posting your final gifts as of today. (Though, holy crap, I see one of you already beat me to it!)

This means no teaser gifts if you were planning on any.

For your posts of final gifts, please make a separate post and, to make it easier to locate, have your subject be "Final gift for ___________". This will make it so much easier to tag. Please try to put all of your final gift(s) into one post if possible so that we can keep from spamming people too much.

Please use LJ cuts for fics and graphics, guys. This way we won't take up space on anyone's flist.

If you can't post your final gift before the final deadline in January because you won't have access to a computer or the internet for a good long while, then please send it to me at so I can post it and the person can get their gift and no one will be left out. If you're going to be a bit late (and this means after the deadline of January 8th), then please let me know so that I can notify the person that their gift is on the way but is just a little late.

Thank you so much to everyone who has participated!

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