February 9, 2011

Feb 09, 2011 08:00

We've finished the Therapeutic Massage Course, except for the stage work.  I have a month to finish that. 
Two weeks ago we started learning Deep Tissue Massage which is a really enjoyable course.  It is very effective.  I'm not sure why there is such a difference.  We have a body builder in the class and the appearance of his back changed dramatically after one massage.  So much lactic acid was being held in the muscles, they were very swollen.  That has gone down a lot.  Neat!  The lady I worked on also was amazed at the difference she felt.  I enjoyed the massage of course, but was more pleased with the attitude of the teacher in encouraging us to work with correct body movements and breathing.  Working that way makes me feel great.  It is just like doing Tai Chi, or in this teacher's case, Chi Kong. 
This week we worked more on the shoulders, which would have been good for me to receive, but I worked in a group of three and didn't pick up on the work as fast.  So I did half a body of both the others to get the experience and didn't receive. The woman who worked with me on the first is always complaining about her shoulders, so I told her to receive.  She would have let me (age before beauty) but was happy to have the opportunity.  It was good to work on her with someone else.  The third woman worked on her first, I watched and changed my notes, and then did her other side.  I usually don't really enjoy working on her, because she is very sensitive and not interested in us actually using the (sometimes painful) techniques we are learning on her.  I think she sucked it up for the first woman who worked on her and was quiet for me as well. 
We have a month break for tests, of which I have one in Anatomy and Physiology next week.  We are supposed to do stage work on what we've learned so far in deep tissue as well.  I need to get moving!

massage, test

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