Title : I Never Told You - Chapter Six
Pairing : Santana Lopez/Brittany Pierce
Rating: PG -13 (Yummy Angst/Romance)
Disclaimer : I do not own these characters. Alas, I never will.
Word Count : ~ 5,155
Summary : AU. Takes place two years after finishing high school. They've gone separate ways when Brittany was asked to live with his boyfriend away from Lima. Santana ended up leaving and pursuing college, her long lost dream. She met someone else, somebody that showed her the possibility of loving again but was it all that took to forget everything? They both learned things on their own which made a significant change in their lives.
A/N : First off, I decided to stop posting on here and just continue on FF. Maybe I won't post the upcoming chapters here anymore, or maybe I would. Here's the link to my FF :
bbyiknow Secondly, I sincerely apologize for the super delayed update. School has been getting in the way, although I'm already quite settled so I get to write more. I'm trying my hardest so that my next update wouldn't take that long; nevertheless, I promise that I won't trash this story. I'm having too much fun with it, I could only wish that you guys are too. I hope you enjoy this one, angst angst angst.
Lastly, forgive me for the angst fest. It's just so much better with all the emotions, in my opinion. I love writing about all of it. About the progression, I just wanted to be fully able to describe and clear out what every character was feeling. Also, I didn't want to jump into things quickly without even considering or fully explaining what the other characters are feeling just for the sake of them being together.
Chapter One |
Chapter Two |
Chapter Three |
Chapter Four |
Chapter Five |
Chapter Six : Where do we go from here