Title: Can't Help Myself
Characters: Puck, Kurt
Genre: Romance
Warnings: un-betaed
Pairing: Puck/Kurt
Rating: PG
Words Count: 1725
A/N: So, I'm writing the next chapter of IASFM (it's coming longer than I expected) and after hitting a little writer's block, I started making Puckurt icons and then I suddenly needed a story for my new icon (points to the icon--->) and came up with this. It's set towards the end of the season after Kurt is back at McKinley! I even made a pretty banner for this story, out of my icon =( but it's too big and won't fit so I'll just put a little preview at the end of the chapter! Also, I've decided that Bi!Puck is canon so I needed a fic for that as well :D It's with almost no dialogues and you'll get the picture at the end of the story.
Summary: After Kurt gets back at McKinley, things start to change a little taking an unexpected turn when, one day, he lifts his gaze up from his notebook during Chemistry.
Can't Help Myself - Puck/Kurt - OneShot )