Title: Teenage Kicks
Rating: PG to NC-17. This chapter is PG-15.
Word Count: 17,000.
Pairings: Many and varied! So far, canon relationships up to 02x10. Developing Klaine.
Spoilers: Spoilers up to 02x10.
Disclaimer: Glee does not belong to me, I earn no money from this piece of fiction.
Genre: Everything from comedy to angst, romance to violence.
Summary: New Directions and the Warblers arrive in New York to compete for Nationals! However, true to Glee style, things don't go that smoothly, though they'll never be forgotten. With new friendships and relationships springing up, what will change, and what won't? One thing's for certain, Nationals is just the begining.
Going home (Theme of a Local Hero)