Fic: Morning routine

Jan 02, 2011 22:17

Title: Morning Routine
Author: kiarcheo 
Pairing: Rachel/Brittany/Santana
Rating: PG
Length: 1525
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: nothing is mine, unfortunately
Summary:  The other gleeks learn something new about Rachel’s relationship with Brittany and Santana during a hotel stay on an overnight field trip.

A/N: English is not my first language. Thanks to phandomsock   for the help. Written for a prompt at the glee_ot3_meme,

'In your dreams, Puckerman'

rating: pg, character: rachel berry, character: brittany, pairing: brittany/rachel/santana, character: santana lopez, author: kiarcheo, pairing: threesomes + moresomes

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