Title: Interventions
Author: Kelsey /
marliskelseyPairing,Character(s): Ensemble, with an appearance by Holly Holiday and canon couples.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 6,705
Spoilers: Through 2x07, The Substitute
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee. I can only dream.
Summary: The very first time the Glee Club holds an intervention, it’s for Puck.
A/N: Written for
this prompt on the
glee_fluff_meme and inspired by an episode of How I Met Your Mother. This is AU after 2x07, so Furt never happened, and the canon timeline is fudged a little bit for the story's sake. Unbeta'd, so all mistakes are mine. Hope you enjoy!
"And, I - I'll give you extra credit in Spanish.")