Title: Seven Minutes in Heaven
Fandom: Glee
Chapter: 2/?
Parings: Puck/Kurt with hints at Rachel/Finn and Carol/Burt
Warnings: What if?, spoilers 2x09
Characters: Puck, Kurt, Finn, Blain, other canons characters
Summary: When Mr. Shue asked Puck to find the 12th member for the New Directions, the last person the boy had in mind, was Kurt Hummel and his absurd request.
A/N: It's un-beta because I've looked everywhere for a betareader but I wasn't able to find one so I'm sorry for every mistake you will find since English it's not my first language. In this story Kurt never joined New Directions in the first season and in stead of the girl in the 2x09, Puck asks to Kurt for help.
Word Count: 1300
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foreverbm (
Seven Minutes n Heaven - Chapter 1 - So Kiss Me... )