Title: While Quinn Sleeps (a tornado and a volcano meet)
domfangirlMovie Adapted: While You Were Sleeping (1995)
Characters/Pairings: Puck/Rachel, with Finn, Mercedes, Kurt, Quinn, Judy, and mentions of others.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~23,400 total
This Story Includes: Mentions of violent crime, though no violence is actually described.
Notes/Credits: Beta’d by the amazing
becca_radcgg and the wonderful
wrldpossibility. They deserve medals, seriously. It’s so long! I also reference the play Shirley Todd: The Demon Beautician of Fleet Street which I stole from an article I read about Chris Colfer. Everything you recognize from the movie, I also stole. Anything you don’t, I made up, or did Internet research on, I swear!
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended; fair use only. Not created for profit. Written for the
reel_glee challenge.
Summary: Puck is a Chicago cop who helps rescue Quinn when she’s mugged on the El, but when he meets her friends, things get really interesting.
Part One /
Part Two /
Part Three /
Part Four /
Part Five