Baila Conmigo: Brittany/Santana, R

Sep 06, 2010 17:13

Title: Baila Conmigo
Author: Kelsey / marliskelsey
Pairing,Character(s): Brittany/Santana, appearances by Quinn and Puck
Rating: R, for swearing.
Word Count: 3,902
Spoilers: Through 1x22, Journey
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee. I can only dream.
Summary: Santana hates the guy her parents are forcing her to take to her Quinceañera. But as long as Brittany gets the first and last dance, Santana thinks she can handle it.
A/N: Written for this prompt on the glee_fluff_meme. This takes place pre-series. Unbeta'd, so all mistakes are mine. The title means "Dance With Me" in Spanish (or at least I hope so, because I used Google Translator). I hope you enjoy it!

( The only redeeming thing about this Quinceañera is that Santana gets to wear a pretty dress.)

author: marliskelsey, rating: r, character: brittany, character: santana lopez, pairing: brittany/santana

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