Saturday, August 7th - day 290 - Someday My Prince Will Come To His Senses[Quinn/Puck] Quinn reflects on a promise she made herself about Puck.
Sunday, August 8th - day 291 - Always Family[Sue & Brittany] After her post-Sectionals humiliation, Sue is looking to get out...
Monday, August 9th - day 292 - Kick Start[Kurt & Quinn] On their way from changing into costumes, Kurt experiences something with Quinn.
Tuesday, August 10th - day 293 - Empty Nurseries[Will, Finn, Puck] They could all have been her father, but now none of them are.
Wednesday, August 11th - day 294 - Daughter of Mine[Shelby & Rachel] On a night of spy-like activities, Shelby sees the girl and she knows...
Thursday, August 12th - day 295 - The House On Dudley Road[Quinn & Mom] The day's come now for Quinn to move back home.
Friday, August 13th - day 296 - Sing It Proud[Artie & Brittany] On dare song day, Artie seeks to serve Brittany well.