HSN Exchange Fic: The truth always seems to come out when a man is drunk, for auchic

Aug 12, 2010 18:30

Title: The truth always seems to come out when a man is drunk.
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Puck/Kurt
Word count: ~2400
Disclaimer: This Glee fan fiction is based upon the television show of the same name. All characters and situations other than my own are sole property of Ryan Murphy Productions and 20th Century Fox Television.
Summary: Fireball Whiskey should come with a label... do not drink and attempt strip poker with...
A/N: Special thanks go to my beta fatebegins for her help editing this I hope you like it... I tried really hard auchic

Not many know of my prowess in Poker.

Which is too bad since if I was of age, I could have already gone to Vegas and won a tournament.

Even fewer people know about my small obsession with tanned bodies, strong jaws and pierced skin.

So needless to say, I pretty much have a teensy, tiny crush on Noah Puckerman.
Now, I know what you’re thinking-what happened to Finn?

Where are your morals?

Puck has no style!

I know, I know, but I guess I’m just a sucker for strong arms.

So, when a game of Poker was suggested by Puck, I cringed that I was naturally forgotten (it’s like oh, he wears corsets to school - why would he be interested in Poker?); thus making me grin evilly and say I’d kick all their asses.

Puck, of course, turned and looked me up and down, his face - according to my sorry imagination looked-

Filled with Lust??

“I didn’t think you’d be into Poker.”

“Hmph, shows what Neanderthals know, doesn’t it? I’ve been playing since I was ten. “

I figured this would be as good a time as any to at least attempt to show that I was a little bit of well...

Well a guy.

Not to mention it would get me a good couple of solid hours in Noah’s presence.

(Even if I can’t stand him speaking.)

“May I suggest that we have this little game at my house? Since my father and Carole are away, and I have a proper stereo system. We can have a boy’s night out.” A chorus of agreements went up. “Shall we say seven. “


After school, I called my father to tell him that a bunch of the kids from Glee would be coming over to play cards.

It was like I could see the smile on his face. “Try not to steal all their money away.”

Kurt smiled. “I’ll lose a few hands, just to keep you sane.”

Setting up the table in my room, I put out fresh lemonade, my iPod next to the docking station and a package of Oreos.

I know- not the best combination of food I’ve ever come up with- but having this party on such short notice just didn’t leave enough time to make anything proper.

Ah well, I’ll make up for it by ordering some pizza. I know that will at least cheer up the guys.

The doorbell rang and in walked Puck, Finn, Matt and Mike. Leading them down to the basement, I took them to the poker table and then went back upstairs to get the pizza I had ordered earlier.

Coming back into my room, I saw that the poker table had been set up and the lemonade poured. The whole group just stared at me strangely. I placed the pizza on my coffee table and shrugged.

Noticing that the only seat left was conveniently placed besides Puck; I wrinkled my forehead in confusion. I’d expected to have to make up an elaborate excuse to sit next to the jock.

Whatever, less work for me right

I stretched out my fingers and cracked them, then turned to the group. “So who wants to deal?”


An hour and six glasses of lemonade later, I felt a little well-

A little tipsy.

Which is strange because the last time I felt this way was when I had managed to drink that Mickey of Fireball.

(Which really is a lot more than my delicate body can handle)

Damn, I knew that lemonade tasted funny.

I looked around and noticed Matt was crying into his cards, Mike was talking really loudly about how he wished he had another Ace, Finn was hanging all over Puck, laughing at Puck’s face- It seems his face was hilarious- and Puck well, Puck was staring right into my baby blues.

My mind went back to a conversation my father had with me once, when he was drunk, with his arms flailing about as he spoke.

“You know son, the truth always seems to come out when a man is drunk.”

So what if Puck -

I shook my head.

It can’t be that...

My thoughts were suddenly cut short by Mike raising his hand, trying to get everyone’s attention.

“Guys, guys, we should totally make this more interesting.”

I looked at Mike with trepidation and a collective groan went through the group. Mike looked at Matt, who gave a sniff and stopped crying.

“I know a better way to pass the time... anyone up for Strip Poker?”

The rest of the guys immediately sobered up. Puck shrugged his shoulders, and I saw him give me a sly glance and leer. “Why not? I’ve been losing this whole time - I might as well be free as a bird while I’m at it.”

Everyone but me seemed to reluctantly nod their heads in agreement.


I’m sure I’ll be fine, I’d been winning all night it’s not like I have anything to worry about.


An hour later and I knew I should never have uttered those words.

All I could say for myself was that drunkenness was not a good accessory for poker but at least I had out lasted all the guys.

But that could also be due to the fact that, I know that layers are in, and well the boys didn’t.

Oh and maybe the simple fact that I can handle my liquor just a little bit better than say Puck, Who appeared to be passed out on the floor; shirtless, and his pants half way down his legs, reindeer boxers on display.

Four rounds later, and all the boys were butt naked, all except me (and Puck).
And I’m the only one enjoying myself.

That’s when Mike and Matt suddenly stood up, both reaching for their pants.

Stumbling around to find the rest of their clothes, they both attempted to move up the stairs.

“I need to go home now.” Mike slurred. “And Matt is sleeping over...” Their voices died down as they closed the basement door behind them.

I glanced at Finn and chuckled, “Well that was exciting.” Then looking at passed out Puck, “What do we do with this one?”

Finn sighed. “I guess he’ll have to stay.”

Finn went over to Puck, and tried to lift him, almost falling over in the process with a grunt.

Scratching his head he said, “Guess moving him, won’t happen tonight. Is it alright if he crashes down here?”

I lifted a single brow and looked Puck up and down; he was half naked. “It’s not that much of a hardship. I’ll just grab a pillow for him.“ I looked over at Finn. “You better go to bed. You look like your worse off than I am. We don’t want Carole and my Dad to freak when they get home tomorrow.”

Finn grumbled in assent and climbed the stairs to his new room on the top floor.

After he was gone, I looked down at Puck with a small smile, sitting down on the floor beside my bed.

“There is no way you passed out with that amount of alcohol, if my tiny frame handled it... then... “

Puck opened his eyes, with a leer. “You caught me.” Puck looked like he was going to eat me alive as his eyes slid down my body.

I gulped. “Why’d you fake it?”

Puck gave a throaty laugh. “Well, I figure you like me.”

I felt my cheeks heat up. Damn.

“And…?” I asked.

“Well, I figure since you technically won tonight you should get,” Puck flexed his chest, his muscles rippling in the process. “Some sort of award.”

“I thought that was the money?”

The jock snorted, and then got up off the floor, pulling his jeans the rest of the way off and sidling right up to me.

Leaning over ever so slightly to get into my face. “Stop playing dumb, Mr. Hummel, we all know you’re not.”

Puck leaned in until I could feel his breath on my mouth, then before I could say anything swooped in and kissed me.

Full on the lips.

Startled, I pulled away and exclaimed, “What the hell is going on?”

“I like you, you like me, and we’d be good together. You’re hot, bitchy and unbelievably bossy - you have no idea how hot that is.” Puck kissed me again. “Besides, I’ve totally seen you check me out in the showers after football,” He ran his tongue seductively along my lower lip, “Besides I know how much my piercing turns you on...”

I bit the inside of my cheek, maybe...

No, no, no...

Well -

Maybe we could make this work.

I nodded my head in agreement and very tentatively kissed Puck back. The kiss very quickly turning into a full blown, mind boggling, toe curling, full on French kiss.

Much to my embarrassment, I moaned into the kiss. Puck moved down my neck to my chest, biting and sucking as he went, leaving behind dark marks that marred my skin, making me groan.

Puck glanced up at me through his lashes. “Hm, let’s see how rough we can get...”, and then with a grin “Looks like Little Kurt likes it a bit rough.”

When Puck got to my groin, he stared at the growing bulge in my boxer-briefs, and licked a wet line right up my shorts to the waistband and with his teeth pulled them down, making me pant and squirm. Puck hovered over my crotch, and then ever so gently, pulled my dick into his mouth with a quick lick of his tongue through my slit and around my head.

I moaned in surprised pleasure at the unexpected skill. “Dammit, where’d - how’d you?”

My dick fell out of his mouth with a pop, and he gestured up and down his body, “Can’t let all this be lost out on anyone, even the dudes. Besides look at you, you can kiss and you’re not exactly a blushing bride here.”

He quickly pulled me back inside his mouth, licking and sucking me like lollipop, while I struggled to answer through my own moans. “I’m still…. technically a virgin, no on-.“ Till finally I yelled his name.

That got his attention but not in the way I had hoped. Instead of talking some more or slowing down, Puck chuckled softly and discreetly took off his underwear, shucking them into the corner. I watched as he grabbed something out of the pocket of his jeans-a jolt of excitement ran down my spine. My dick growing even harder against my stomach.

Coming back over, Puck set me down on my bed. His smoldering eyes held a question: was I sure I wanted to have sex?

(I’m a teenage boy... what do you think the answer is?)

I nodded my head resolutely.

Turning me over, Puck placed a small pillow beneath me.

Peering over my shoulder I saw Puck staring at my butt, then taking his hands he kneaded the cheeks apart, exposing me to his eyes. He groaned at the sight, all this splayed out just for him.

“You’re so gorgeous. “ Reaching behind him Puck got out what he had gotten from his pants pocket. A tube of lube and a condom. Opening the lube, Puck squeezed some onto his fingers and then gently worked one finger into the entrance of my body.

At first my body resisting the intrusion then relaxing, Puck placed one more inside of me, then began to pull them out.

In, and out, in, and out.

“Fuck that feels good.”

Puck looked up at me from his ministrations, a note of surprise. Making me laugh instead this time. “You realize that I am capable of swearing, I just usually don’t; unless I really need something - or if said something isn’t fucking moving hard enough. I can take it; my Dildo’s do a better job...”
Puck lifted a brow.

I felt another finger enter me, and then Puck began to finger fuck me, pushing his fingers in and out of me as fast and hard as he could. Starting and stopping when he hears my breathing getting heavier, till my heart felt like it was going to explode and I was begging with need.

“Please Noah, I need to cum. Make me cum. Need it so badly.” On and on I rambled till I heard the sound of condom wrapper ripping open and felt his fingers slip from my body.

With a little maneuvering, Puck got me up on all fours. Grabbing my hips, in one fluid motion. Puck pushed in, making me face the pain all in one go, then receding when my body adjusted this huge intrusion.

Puck snapped his hips fast, pushing his cock in hard, then pulling it out slow, titling it just so-

Hitting my prostate.

The first stroke against my prostate made me emit a sound I’d never heard before.

Everything about what he was doing made me want to ram my body back fast, faster. Anything to have more friction, anything to get closer to Puck. I tried pushing back, and when I did - Puck stopped, and hauled my chest up to his; started all over again. This angle was so deep, hitting that spot every time.
My body flush against his, his arms wrapped around me, one around my dick, jerking me off, and his cock drilling into my body.

Just thinking about it made me start to cum.

My muscles clenched around the hardness inside me. I heard Puck yell my name and cum, my own splattering around my chest.

Pulling out of me, Puck tied off the condom and threw it away, going to my bathroom to grab a towel.

I collapsed onto the bed; too tired to think. Puck came back and cleaned me up, then taking my crawled in beside me. He curled his arms around me and nuzzled my hair with warm lips.

Puck kissed my forehead, and then moving to my ear, he whispered. “Next time... I’ll let you top me...”


Character(s) or pairing(s): Puck/Kurt
Do you prefer R or NC-17 smut?: NC-17 (if you're doing smut, you may as well do it right)
Prompts (minimum of 3, no maximum!):
1. a campfire (complete with the campfire smell), s'mores and Fireball whisky

2. a poker game (preferably with strip poker), Oreos, iced tea in a bottle of Jack Daniels, matching reindeer boxers

3. lemonade, sunscreen, beach towel, iPod and pineapple and one of those things must be inserted

Things you DON’T want in your story (kinks or sex acts that gross you out, characters you despise, etc.): incest, scat, water sports, teen/adult, using spit as lube

! hot summer nights fic exchange, rating: nc 17, pairing: kurt/puck, author: ireland22, character: puck, character: kurt hummel

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