HSN Exchange Fic: Behind the Leaves, for fuzzy_paint

Aug 04, 2010 05:29

Title: Behind the Leaves
Rating: R
Pairings/Characters: Puck/Finn
Warnings: N/A
Word count: 7671
Disclaimer: This Glee fanfiction is based upon the television show of the same name. All characters and situations other than my own are sole property of Ryan Murphy Productions and 20th Century Fox Television.
Summary: The tree house has always been the ( Read more... )

rating: r, ! hot summer nights fic exchange, character: finn hudson, pairing: finn/puck, author: bluejbird, character: puck

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Comments 30

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anonymous August 15 2010, 01:49:17 UTC
Thank you so much!

I'm really pleased you enjoyed this fic and to be honest your comment blew me away. Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked the execution of the story, and the Puck voice because I tried really hard to get him right.

I'm glad the ending wasn't too sappy for you and that you enjoyed the smut! That's such a lovely compliment so thank you.

I'm glad it made you feel feelings. Thank you so much for reading! ♥


dontwannapanic August 4 2010, 11:56:15 UTC
This is beautiful! Not only is it Puck/Finn -- probably my favorite pairing ever -- but it includes all of my favorite elements of P/F fic: weed, beer, an epic bromance, and a twinge of angst.

I really enjoyed how you integrated Puck's father in the story and Puck's reaction to how he left. Puck's voice was spot on, and I especially liked the scene where he suggests that he and Finn should go somewhere else after they discover that the treehouse is gone. (Your Finn voice is great, too -- he has just the right amount of naivety and caution without seeming stupid.)

I also found myself LOLing at "after Finn has stopped kicking at the dining room chairs" and “Dude. You’re the manliest of men. Not a girl. Okay? You’re-”

Anyway, great work bb. <3


dontwannapanic August 15 2010, 01:52:07 UTC
Thank you!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and that you found the voices to be okay (and that Finn didn't sound too stupid, which is something I struggle with!). And I'm really glad you liked the Puck's father storyline.

I'm glad it made you laugh! Thank you for reading!


andbless_mybaby August 4 2010, 12:48:54 UTC
Oh, writer. This was so incredibly gorgeous!

I think know that your recipient is going to lose her mind over this. I LOVE what you did with the prompt. I love the fact that Puck and Finn have something special - no, not the fucking (lol... although I myself found that to be incredibly special) - and that the sale of the house and the treehouse helped them find it again. The bromance was crazy perfect.

I'm not even gonna lie, Burt "fixing" the treehouse made me well up. It was a subtle and beautiful touch that it was Finn's soon-to-be stepdad who took the piece of shit job and made it whole and better.

This story = ♥ ♥ ♥ Fuzzy is a lucky girl.


andbless_mybaby August 15 2010, 01:54:28 UTC
Thank you! I, like most participants I am sure, was so worried she wouldn't like it, but I'm so pleased she does. And that other people liked it too, which was a lovely surprise.

I'm glad you liked it, and I'm really pleased you liked the ending (Burt is the best dad in the world and I couldn't really resist) since I worried it would be sappy.

Thank you so much for reading!


allstarzs August 4 2010, 12:55:12 UTC
Loved this!


allstarzs August 15 2010, 01:54:56 UTC
I'm pleased to hear that! Thank you so much for reading!


ireland22 August 4 2010, 17:16:23 UTC
This was such a great story, I absolutely loved the whole thing.
The dialogue between Puck and Finn is perfect!


ireland22 August 15 2010, 01:55:31 UTC
Thank you! I'm really glad you liked it.

Dialogue is the thing I struggle with the most so your comment made me really happy. Thank you so much!


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