Title: I’m Still Waiting For the Rain to Fall (8/?)
an_an0maly Summary: ...pour real life down on me...
Pairing: Eventual Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG to NC-17
Word Count: 2,363 / 40,000+
Spoilers: I would like to say that spoilers would probably be from the Pilot to Sectionals. After that, there might be a few smattering of references to events in the Back 9, but other than that, mainly just references to the first 13 episodes.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters unfortunately. Title belongs to Evanescence's 'Good Enough'.
Music: One Week by Barenaked Ladies
grdnofevrythng for final touches in grammar, tenses, spelling etc. and
gleek23 for spending her working hours online fleshing out fic ideas when she really should be working. Betas really don't get enough credit sometimes. Thanks for the continued encouragement and for lighting fires under my ass. :D
Author's Note: I'm extremely sorry for the lateness of this part. I got sick for about a week which really screwed me over work-wise and weekend-wise. And this past weekend I was being social while
motylik came to visit! :D But I'm here now, with a new part.
I'll be getting to all your feedback from the last two parts, I promise. Thank you to everyone who has left feedback. I really really appreciate you coming back each week (or two, sorry). Thank you!
Previous Parts:
Prologue |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
"Let me at her!" Quinn growled as she fought against Puck's grip.