Title: They Say Bad Things Happen For A Reason [Master Post]
lynnearlingtonPairing: Santana/Brittany; Quinn/Rachel
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~111k words
Summary: Even now, after six months, the only thing she wants to do is call Brittany. Make sure she's okay, hear her voice, see her face, feel the blood pumping through her veins. She wants all those things and she's stuck hearing about it from Quinn.
Spoilers: None, this is a cop!AU
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.
Note 1: A lot of people hate AUs but I've always found them fun to play in and after a couple people started posting their cop AU fics I was all "I need to do that" because I'm super original and stuff. Then I went on a ride-along with a cop friend the other night and knew it was fate. So I ripped off those people shamelessly and this was the result. Sorry!
Note 2: It's finally done. I know there were a few people waiting for it to be complete to actually finish it, so here you go! Have at it if you dare.
Master Post with links to all 21 parts.