Title: A Distorted Reality Is Now a Necessity (To Be Free)
allan_93Rating: R
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Will/Finn, past Finn/Rachel and Will/Emma
Warnings: Student/teacher relationship, implied sexual content, strong language
Disclaimer: Turn on an episode of Glee. Unless you see Will and Finn making out, Glee still belongs to Ryan Murphy and Fox.
Summary: Will and Finn's relationship is exposed by Sue. This is them, dealing with the consequences and struggling to stay together.
Word Count: 5,418
Authors Note: * Much props to
dark_dreymer for the fantastic beta job!
* So my last fic was in the first person, which I... wasn't so keen on myself. This one is third person narrative again.
* Title is from
this fantastic Elliott Smith song.
* Comments are always appreciated.
Fic is here, at my journal.