regarding posting frequency

Jun 10, 2010 22:20

Hey, guys!

This is a quick reminder to everyone about our rules regarding multiple posts in a short period of time. Esra and I have been a little lax on this one lately because we have so many awesome new members and want you guys to all feel comfortable. Lately, however, we're seeing a lot of daily or near-daily posts. We definitely need to look out for that.

It's important that everyone has their fair shot at the "prime real estate" on the first page. We get a lot of posts daily, and things move fast. Therefore, we ask that you guys do your best to consolidate fic postings as much as possible. We don't want to impose a strict rule like "once every three days OR ELSE," because sometimes you have a creative streak and these things happen. There's no need, though, for posting 3-4 times a week. Please try to make a single "digest" style post. Same goes for multi-part WIPs. Put a few days between those postings. It's for the good of the whole comm, we promise.

Oh, and while we're at it.... go sign up for the exchange. We've been floored by the amazing quality of the sign-ups this time around. It's going to be epic. Get in on it while you have the chance!

your mods

! mod post

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