Title: Step on It, Cupid
Pairing: Finn Hudson/Kurt Hummel
milky_haven aka Atsu Tenshi
Rating: PG-13
Spoiler: Back nine.
Disclaimer: Glee belongs to Fox.
A/N: Firstly, I want to thank
kyuubi_paw (and her buddy) for being awesome. Secondly, I want to announce… THIS IS FOR YOU,
pearljamz! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BB! I have to post this earlier since I won’t be online until Sunday. So you get your birthday gift a day earlier. So… my art for this fic? :3
Summary: When Burt drags Finn to spy on Kurt’s first date, jealousy ensues and the truth comes out. Is it just too late for Finn?
“And tonight I just ruined my chances with Sam. Did you know that Finn threatened to cut off his dick? His dick, of all things! And it’s not funny!” x-posted
finnkurt gleeslash