Title: You Are Not Prepared
Pairing: Santana/Brittany, Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4k
Summary: It takes her a minute, because it's late and she's coming off a really severe power drink crash, but she finally puts two and two together and realizes that holy shit, her girlfriend is totally playing World of Warcraft right now. Brittany. Her girlfriend. Her girlfriend that doesn't know how to turn a computer on is playing World of Warcraft.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue. I don't have enough money to take on Blizzard.
Notes: I've been playing WoW for years now (it's why I nearly failed out of college my sophomore year) so I just had to include it as part of my nerdverse. If you're not totally familiar with WoW or MMORPGs in general this might be a tad confusing (and by confusing I mean dumb), but if you're a fellow player I hope you enjoy it!
You're playing World of Warcraft.