fic pick of the week #9: and i understand (that some things take so long), by ohladybegood

May 03, 2010 20:15

NOTE:Today's fic pick is missing its banner due to backstage difficulties. We hope to have it up quickly!

Related note: gleefics is seeking a new graphics designer for banners and promo images and the like. Please send a holler to myself or bklyangel via PM if you are interested in showing us what you've got!

Esra's fic pick for the week: and i understand (that some things take so long), by ohladybegood (Puck/Quinn, R)

Why she loved it: This week my heart belongs to ohladybegood for the fic and i understand (that some things take so long).

This gives us the missing story on what happened between Puck and Quinn after Sectionals and before "Hell-O." It's very well-written, and while its not a LOLZ!fic, it does make you chuckle... especially when you learn that the most watched TV program in [the Puckerman] house is Whose Line Is It Anyway. Puck and Sarah have taken to assigning points to random things that happen during the day. This morning Quinn won two-thousand points for saying the word shit when she tripped on her way down the stairs.

The characterization of Quinn is just perfect. I tend to find her to be OC in most fics, but here she is spot-on. Best of all, Puck and Quinn aren’t suddenly happy in love now that the truth is out. The relationship is gradual; it moves from Puck trying to get his hand up her skirt under the table to Puck just holding her hand under the table.

Now, I want you all to read the fic and give it some feedback!

Congrats, ohladybegood ! Your banner is forthcoming. Please accept our IOU with hugs and admiration. This mod is also a HUGE fan of yours!

Two notes for everyone else:

1.) Our birthday contest is still accepting entries through the 13th. We've been a bit disappointed with the turnout so far, although the few stories submitted have been stellar. Get a story in soon for the chance to win a prize!

2.) Esra and I are in the process of revising our comm rules, since they haven't really had an overhaul since she and I took over the reins. Keep an eye out for the new info on our profile page in coming days.

Enjoy "Bad Reputation" tomorrow, guys! We'll have a new fic pick for you next week. ♥

! fic pick of the week

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