Fic: Terri & Ken Plus 10

Mar 27, 2010 19:23

Title: Terri & Ken Plus 10
Author: suzy_pepper
Pairings: Will/Emma, Terri/Ken
Rating: G
Words: 1,620
Disclaimer: Glee belongs to Ryan Murphy. The prompt belongs to a brilliant anon from the glee_fluff_meme
Summary: Five years after adopting Quinn's baby, Emma and Will are happily married and expecting a second daughter. Channel hopping whilst on bed-rest, Emma is alarmed to land on Discovery Health's newest reality series, Terri and Ken Plus 10.

Link: No matter how sincerely Will pretended to agree that Speedwagon Schuester was an excellent choice, Emma would sooner name their second daughter after Sue Sylvester.

pairing: ken/terri, character: terri schuester, author: suzy_pepper, character: emma pillsbury, character: ken tanaka, rating: g, pairing: emma/will, character: will schuester

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