Title: Bad War, Good Soldier
patchfireRating: R
Genres: Epistolary; romance/drama; AU
Warnings: Prior/off-screen death of a major canonical character.
Author’s Notes: Written for the Puckurt Big Bang 2013. While this story was completed prior to Cory Monteith’s recent passing, the similarities between his death and the character death in this story may be upsetting. I strongly considered withdrawing this story from the bang for this reason. Please read with caution.
Spoilers: None
Summary: When cleaning out his brother's apartment, Kurt comes across a letter from an anonymous pen pal on the other side of the country. Passing himself off as Recipient #5893, Kurt forges a friendship with the wounded soldier, Recipient #14507. Is the relationship they build on support, advice, and mutual loneliness enough to overcome Kurt’s initial deceit?
Wordcount: 15,504
Bad War, Good Soldier by raving_liberal