Learning to forget 2/33

Dec 10, 2012 13:45

Title: Learning to forget
Chapter: The Apology 2/33
Authors: klaine_blurt
Pairing: Klaine
Sidepairing: Kurt/OC
Words: 1081
Warnings: abuse, violence, non-con, h/c, 
Chapter warnings: mention of non-con and abuse
Summary: Kurt and Blaine split up when Kurt moves to New York for College. Kurt has a long term boyfriend but is everything as it seems, and why would Blaine end up back up on the scence after many years of no communication?

All other chapters can be found here: Learning to Forget Masterpost

character: burt hummel, pairing: kurt/oc, rating: nc 17, character: blaine, character: kurt hummel

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