Title: All The Pretty Little Horses [Chapter Eight]
Rating: NC-17 for language, sexual content, violence, gore, creepy situations, hauntings, and possessions.
Pairing: Klaine
Summary: Blaine has known his entire life that something else lives in his home. He knows that the things he sees aren't just tricks of the light. He knows that the things he hears are not just in his head. No one has ever believed him.
Disclaimer: All Glee things are Glee's.
Author's Note: I started writing this story as a stress reliever during finals. Eventually it became a monster of a fic and thinking about it actually kept me up at night. The title of the story came from a children's lullaby (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWoPsyY8CZY) which is the single creepiest song ever written.
The smell of coppery blood was choking him.