Title: Broken Road, Part 16/?
Author: Sapphire (
sapphiresfic (LJ) / SapphireEJ (
DW) / EJ8302 (
Fandom: Glee
Pairing/Characters: Puck, Rachel, Puck/Rachel, Puckleberry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 6,981
Spoilers: Up to 1x22 ~ Journey; just to be safe
'Broken Road' (List of all the parts on my LJ)
Fic Table prompt: #47 - Protection (table at my journal
Summary1: Rachel visits her dads in Lima for the holidays, gets pulled over, her ex from NYC stalks her, threatening her life and the cop who pulled her over helps protect her... For fic table prompt #47-Protection. (Story: T/PG-13. Ch. 10-12: M/R for content.)
Summary2: Noah, Rachel and Arin start their trip to NYC
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, so I'm just borrowing the characters and ideas for the fun of writing, *but* I do own the original characters, original plot and other original ideas.
A/N: I edited this, so all mistakes are mine.
A/N2: Feedback keeps me writing, so please comment or review. :D
A/N3: Title comes from 'Blessed The Broken Road' a song by Rascal Flatts. I do not own it, just borrowing for the fic.
Link to my LJ