Title: The Extraordinary Girl Part 2

Feb 29, 2012 22:17

Title: The Extraordinary Girl Part 2
Author: kaitlia777
Author's e-mail/website: kaitlia777@yahoo.com
Fandom: Glee
Summary: It’s happening so fast
Type / Pairings: Puck/Rachel
Main characters: Puck, Rachel, ensemble
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Up till Michael, then it veers off to AU territory.
Beta: N/A
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the recognizable character, just taking them out to play!
Author's Notes: based on the prompt: After rocking the duet at Nationals in NYC, Puck & Rachel are approached by the director in charge of the American Idiot Broadway revival. He wants them as Tunny & The Extraordinary Girl. Finn goes insane when she immediately accepts and that's when she throws the ring at his head & ends it between them.

The thing about having hopes and dreams was that when they didn't happen you got hurt.

author: kaitlia777, pairing: puck/rachel, rating: pg 13

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