Title: The Space That's in Between Insane and Insecure
Characters/Pairings: Puck, Blaine; minor appearances by Rachel, Santana, Lauren, Kurt, Mike, Finn; Puck/Quinn, Puck/Lauren, Blaine/Kurt
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers/Warnings: through 3x08; language, mentions of violence, homophobia
Word Count: ~8,000
Disclaimer: Title is from the song "Jesus Of Suburbia/City Of The Damned/I Don't Care/Dearly Beloved/Tales Of Another Broken Home" by Green Day.
Summary: Based off
this prompt on the awk meme. Puck and Blaine meet at fight club and so begin a weird friendship.
A/N: Thank you to
flyblckbirdfly for bringing the prompt to my attention and thank you to everyone who supported me and cheered me on while writing this fic.
The Space That's in Between Insane and Insecure