Title: The Truth Beneath The Lie
sugakane_01Pairings: unrequited Puckurt, established Klaine
Genre: Romance/Angst
Rating: NC-17/M
Word Count: ~2600
Summary: Noah's been telling himself he's straight and all he feels for Kurt is friendship. It takes a show choir show down, a tainted slushie and an erotic dream for him to maybe-possibly-admit the truth.
Spoilers: S3E11 "Micheal" is referenced but events are slightly AU
Warnings: Language, sexual content, violence
A/N: I'm trying to get past my writers block and wanted to dabble in some sort of angsty Puck/Kurt. It's not my usual style of writing but I hope it's enjoyable anyway.
Noah is completely sure about his sexuality, except for the dozen or more so times a day when he’s not.