Title: The Extraordinary Girl

Jan 25, 2012 09:02

Title: The Extraordinary Girl
Author: kaitlia777
Author's e-mail/website: kaitlia777@yahoo.com
Fandom: Glee
Summary: Prompt: After rocking the duet at Nationals in NYC, Puck & Rachel are approached by the director in charge of the American Idiot Broadway revival. He wants them as Tunny & The Extraordinary Girl. Finn goes insane when she immediately accepts and that's when she throws the ring at his head & ends it between them.
Type / Pairings: Drabble meme fill
Main characters: Rachel, Puck, ensemble
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Yes/No Spoliers!
Spoilers: If it’s aired in the US, then it’s fair game!
Beta: N/A
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the recognizable character, just taking them out to play!
Author's Notes: Not for those who like Finn.

Okay, so you don't always suck, but most of the guys in here are better singers. And they're all better dancers. Including roller boy

author: kaitlia777, pairing: puck/rachel, rating: pg 13

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